Gastric hyperplastic polyps: immunohistochemical characteristic of proliferation and apoptosis




Stomach Diseases, Polyps, Cell Proliferation, Apoptosis


Aim. In order to research proliferation and apoptosis immunohistochemical study of expression of Ki-67 and Caspase-3 inbiopsies of 42 gastric hyperplastic polyps was conducted.

Methods and results. It was found that gastric hyperplastic polyps are characterized by middle expression level of Ki-67 (2,4±0,09 points) and extremely low expression level of Casp-3 (13,6±0,392 points) in surface foveolar cells, and also low expression level of Ki-67 (0,7±0,04 points) and middle expression level of Casp-3 (61,4±9,487 points) in cells of lamina propria. In hyperplastic polyps with middle and high epithelial dysplasia expression level of Ki-67 inepithelial cells and cells of lamina propria increases.

Conclusion.  These results demonstrate the leading role of cell proliferation in progression of gastric hyperplastic polyps.


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How to Cite

Tumanskiy VA, Khrystenko TA. Gastric hyperplastic polyps: immunohistochemical characteristic of proliferation and apoptosis. Pathologia [Internet]. 2014Dec.23 [cited 2025Jan.30];(3). Available from:



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