Morphological state of aorta in the fetuses and newborns suffered from chronic intrauterine hypoxia (experimental research)


  • O. V. Kaluzhina



Hypoxia, Pregnancy, Aorta, Animal Experimentation


The cardiovascular system in newborns with chronic hypoxia is affected in 40–70%.

Aim. To investigate morphological state of aorta in the fetuses and newborns suffered from chronic intrauterine hypoxia.

Methods and results. Aortic wall was investigated with modern morphological methods in 34 laboratory animals in order to identify the morphological features of the fetuses and newborns’ vessel affected by this pathogenic factor. It was established that chronic hypoxia leads to endothelial trophics deterioration, its flattening, dystrophic processes with following cells desquamation, density reduction of smooth muscle cells, thickening of the intima-media.

Conclusion. It shows alterative-sclerotic changes in aorta in cases with chronic hypoxia influence.


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How to Cite

Kaluzhina OV. Morphological state of aorta in the fetuses and newborns suffered from chronic intrauterine hypoxia (experimental research). Pathologia [Internet]. 2015May19 [cited 2024Jul.18];(1). Available from:



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