Pan cytokeratin expression by meningiomas of the brain




Meningioma, Histogenesis, Cytokeratin


Meningiomas of the brain are the second most common tumor of the CNS in adults, accounting about 30% of all primary tumors.

Aim. In order to determine the presence and to assess the expression level of cytokeratin (CK) in benign and malignant brain meningiomas tissue samples were obtained during neurosurgical operations from 30 patients.

Methods and results. Tissue samples were studied immunohistochemically by using monoclonal antibodies Mo a-Hu Cytokeratine (PanCK), Clone AE1/AE3 («DAKO», Denmark). It was established that anaplastic meningiomas expressed CK in 80% of cases. Among benign meningiomas positive expression was found in 40% of fibroblastic subtypes.


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How to Cite

Tertishniy SI, Voteva WE. Pan cytokeratin expression by meningiomas of the brain. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015May19 [cited 2025Mar.9];(1). Available from:



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