Treatment efficiency of patients with shin fracture after intraosseous blocked osteosynthesis by using the load dispenser


  • Yu. V. Sukhin Odesa National Medical University,
  • Yu. Yu. Pavlychko Odesa National Medical University,
  • P. V. Danilov Odesa National Medical University,



shin bone fractures, postoperative period, rehabilitation


The purpose of research: еvaluation of the effectiveness of the device for determining the value of the load on the lower extremity while walking in real time with controlling and signalization of excessive and insufficient load.

Materials and methods. Еlaborated and applied device, that allows to determine the load magnitude on the lower extremity in real time, and also to signal about excessive or weak load. The sensory block with the insole and the sensor is located in shoes, under patient's heel, and the main block is fixed on the shin with the help of the strap. Current value of the load on the leg is registered in real time. Received data is recorded in non-volatile memory. The system provides an opportunity to notify patient or doctor by email about the presence of a strong or weak load on the lower extremity, and also about the absence of load for a long period.

Results. We used the loading batcher in 38 patients with the shin bones fractures, who were on inpatient treatment at the traumatology and orthopedics center in Odessa in the period from 1.5 to 12 months. The main group included patients, who used the load batcher on the lower extremity in rehabilitation period (transversal fracture of the shin bones diaphysis – 9 patients, oblique fracture – 11 patients). The control group consisted of patients, who didn't use the load batcher (10 patients with oblique fracture of the shin bones in the middle third, 8 patients with transversal fracture of both shin bones in the middle third). As a result of applying the device we succeeded to reduce the fracture fusion period for two weeks and avoid such complications as contracture of joint and fracture non-union.

Conclusions. The device allows patients with traumatic consequences reaching the optimal load in rehabilitation period, avoiding excessive load on the lower extremity.

The elaboration provides an opportunity to determine the statistics of the load and its transfer to the server, due to that physician can control the rehabilitation process. Applying this device patient can optimally load operated extremity until complete fracture fusion, it provides an opportunity to preserve the walking stereotype, to reduce the risk of the clamp damage and also optimizes osteogenesis in the fracture zone.


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How to Cite

Sukhin YV, Pavlychko YY, Danilov PV. Treatment efficiency of patients with shin fracture after intraosseous blocked osteosynthesis by using the load dispenser. Pathologia [Internet]. 2017Sep.27 [cited 2025Mar.9];14(2). Available from:



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