Pecularities of Specialists Training in Laboratory Diagnostic in the Context of Integration into the European Higher Education Environment


  • O. K. Tolstanov



two-level system of higher education, laboratory diagnostic, bachelor, master’s degree


In the modern world, education is becoming one of the most important factors of economic development, social stability and the development of civil society. Some of the main challenges of modern public policy, national priority, goals for the state national security and condition of implementation of the right to education are improving the quality of education and equal access to it. Ukraine pledged to modernize its own educational activities in the context of general European requirements, adhering to the Bologna Process in May 2005.

Objective of article: To demonstrate the topicality and the need of introduction of qualified personnel in laboratory diagnostic two-level training system, considering the current education integration of Ukraine into the European Higher Education Environment.

The recognition of a two-level training system of specialists with higher education as a global standard made adaptation of the national education to requirements of modernity actual.

In Ukraine, the educational qualification (EQ) "bachelor" and "master" are differentiated into a basic higher education (which allows specialists to solve typical professional tasks) and complete higher education (with obtaining in-depth knowledge of special skills and innovative methods of solution for the high-level professional problems).

The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 17, 2011 № 267 in the "List of directions and specialties, which are used for training professionals in higher education on appropriate education and skill levels" provides for training of masters in the specialty 8.12010007 "Laboratory diagnostic" (direction "Medicine"), full-time form of education.

The increasing level of challenges, that laboratory service fulfills, can be provided only by highly qualified personnel, which is capable to perform the correct analysis technically and competently, allowing to draw fully valid conclusion and to make the laboratory diagnosis.

But, nowadays only 50-60% of the positions of laboratory doctors are occupied by trained specialists and 40-50% (sometimes more) – by specialists without medical education, that had only a short period (5 months) of training at appropriate departments of Postgraduate Medical Institutes.

Currently, qualification "Bachelor" on specialty "Laboratory diagnosis" can be received at three medical universities of Ukraine (Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv and Bukovina), two classical universities (Dnipropetrovsk, Luhansk) and National University of Pharmacy.

It was for the first time that in the 2012-2013 academic year, in the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, two universities (Zaporizhzhia State Medical University and the National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv) held sets of students to the magistracy of students with qualification "bachelor" in "Laboratory diagnostic".

Finally, it should be noted that training of qualified personnel in laboratory diagnosis is topical problem that requires urgent solution in Ukraine. Accordingly universities are required to organize the training process according to the Bologna Declaration that provides for the preparation of the competitive professionals of this field in country.


  1. Two-level training of highly qualified specialists in laboratory diagnostic is the topical need for the adaptation of national higher education to the requirements of the European Higher Education Environment.

2. Preparation of specialists in laboratory diagnostic with educational levels "bachelor" and "master" is up-to-date, especially during the reformation of health care system in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Tolstanov OK. Pecularities of Specialists Training in Laboratory Diagnostic in the Context of Integration into the European Higher Education Environment. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Jun.21 [cited 2025Feb.23];(1). Available from:



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