Problems and perspectives of family doctors training on the undergraduate stage


  • Yu. M. Kolesnik
  • V. D. Syvolap
  • N. S. Mikhaylovskaya
  • T.O. Kulinich



primary health care, family doctor, undergraduate, postgraduate training, family doctor’s ambulatory


Introduction. Under healthcare reform activities of all medical schools and post-graduate education institutions are directed to improvement of the effectiveness of high-qualified family doctors training. Today, scientific and methodological approaches of undergraduate training in family medicine are discussed in a limited number of publications.

The main part. Among the priorities on undergraduate stage of family physician preparation it should be noted the following: integrating of undergraduate and postgraduate phases of family doctors training, the widespread use of outpatient primary health care as a clinical divisions of family medicine departments, modern equipment of clinical bases of ambulatories in accordance to the report sheet; to provide in programs of clinical disciplines on 4th, 5th courses practical classes for students acquiring diagnostics, emergency care skills, prevention, health center, sanatorium, resort screening and treatment of patients based on primary health care; fully use elective courses in the discipline, to provide teaching discipline "Family medicine" textbooks and other educational publications sufficiency.

Clinical bases for training students in Zaporozhye State Medical University are Communal Institution "4th Clinical Hospital" and Communal Institution "Polyclinic behalf March 8th." In the educational process teaching materials consist of the work program on the subject, methodological recommendations for independent work and workshops, for practical skills and algorithms for their implementation, tests of initial, current and final knowledge control, samples of basic records of general practice - family medicine, education and qualification characteristics of family doctor, a list of basic regulatory documents, educational literature. During the program, students are introduced to the structure of the family doctor clinics, day care, fundamentals of dispensary supervision, perform patient reception with family doctors, constitute health, prevention and rehabilitation programs for the most common diseases of the internal organs, developing clinical route including three phasing of medical care and so on. Computer presentations, videos, case-technology and other innovative methods are widely used for training optimization. For working on practical part of family doctors basic skills it is planned to organize educational and training center at the family ambulatory, and its equipment with the necessary visual means, phantoms, models, simulators, diagnostic, medical apparatus and instruments. One of the important issues to improve the quality of primary care physicians is the training of the teaching staff, regular professional development on topical issues of family physicians preparation courses and distance and full-time education.

Conclusions. At the present stage of the national healthcare system reform one of the priorities is the development of primary health care based on general practice - family medicine. The introduction of family medicine requires more training of highly qualified personnel, which should begin at undergraduate stage, using both traditional forms of learning, innovative technologies based on the experience of other medical institutions of Ukraine and the world.


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How to Cite

Kolesnik YM, Syvolap VD, Mikhaylovskaya NS, Kulinich T. Problems and perspectives of family doctors training on the undergraduate stage. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Jun.21 [cited 2025Jan.19];(1). Available from:



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