The prospects of stem cells therapy in vascular surgery


  • A. S. Nikonenko
  • A. N. Voloshyn



stem cells, cell therapy


Until recently for patients with chronic lower limbs ischemia (CLI) there were several ways of treatment. In 50–90% of patients, whose treatment was ineffective,  major amputation was done on thigh level. The alternative method of lower limbs revascularization is a stem cell therapy. Preliminary researches data proved safety and efficiency autologous stem cells use in patients with CLI. The positive results of randomized clinical researches will allow to introduce stem cell therapy in practice and do it one of the methods for treatment  of patients with CLI.


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How to Cite

Nikonenko AS, Voloshyn AN. The prospects of stem cells therapy in vascular surgery. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Jul.16 [cited 2024Jul.17];(1). Available from:



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