Pathological changes in the structures of the blood-brain barrier in acute cerebral circulatory disorders


  • S. І. Tertyshny
  • V. E. Gulenko



morphological changes, blood-brain barrier, acute brain disturbed circulation


Morphological changes of the blood-brain barrier were investigated in case of an acute brain disturbed circulation. Autocontrol of vessels with their dilatation and formation of aggregation from formal elements were shown from the onset of the disease. Distructive changes of the endothelium, basement membranes, pericytes, asrtocytosal processes are marked in the microvessels with formation of the perivascular edema. Increase permeability of the blood-brain barrier promotes hemorrhagic transformation and lymphomicrophagical infi ltration of the perivascular zones.


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How to Cite

Tertyshny SІ, Gulenko VE. Pathological changes in the structures of the blood-brain barrier in acute cerebral circulatory disorders. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Jul.24 [cited 2025Mar.10];(1). Available from:



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