Surgical treatment of postoperative complications in patients with atherosclerosis of aorta and low extremities' arteries


  • V. O. Gubka



thrombosis, aneurysm, suppuration, repeated reconstructive operations


520 reconstructive vascular operations have been made in surgery clinic for past 10 years. Analysis of remote complications in 124 cases (23,8%), shows thrombosis to be most often exposed – 60,2%, aneurysm of anastomoses – 23,3% and late suppurations – in 16,5% of patients. All patients were clinically observed: ultrasound imaging, angiography, fi stulography. Thrombectomy or allograft
replacement with reconstruction of distal anastomosis were provided in patient with thrombosis. Aneurysm dissection and distal anastomosis reconstructive surgery applied to patients with distal anastomosis aneurysm. All patients with suppuration undergone surgical elimination of suppurative inflammation and extra anatomical bypassing if possible. Positive results were achieved in 66,1% cases.


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How to Cite

Gubka VO. Surgical treatment of postoperative complications in patients with atherosclerosis of aorta and low extremities’ arteries. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Jul.24 [cited 2025Mar.10];(1). Available from:



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