Morphological aspects of myocardium energy deficiency at the chronic hypercholesterolemia


  • M. V. Danylishyna



chronic hypercholesterolemia, energy deficiency of myocardium, changes of cardiomyocytes, oxidation-reduction enzymes


Experimental chronic hypercholesterolemia manifests itself by morphological heterogeneity of cardiomyocytes which is caused by parallel proceeding of alteration and adaptation processes in cells. These processes arise against the background of gradually increasing energy deficiency that is testified by changes of activity of oxidation-reduction enzymes. Morphologically these changes show rearrangement and disorder of glycocalix and receptor apparatus of cardiomyocytes, modification of cytomembranes with the change of activity of associated enzymes, dislipoproteinemia and oxidative stress; electrolyte homeostasis disturbance; dysfunction and discoordination of intracellular depot Са2+; adaptive hypertrophy, atrophy and small-focal alteration of some cells. These morphological changes lead to myocardial deficiency and can be accompanied by manifestation of the electric instability of myocardium.


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How to Cite

Danylishyna MV. Morphological aspects of myocardium energy deficiency at the chronic hypercholesterolemia. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Aug.28 [cited 2024Jul.17];(2). Available from:



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