Pathogenetic role of proteinase-inhibitor system in the development of local and systemic pathology


  • I. I. Fomochkin
  • A. V Kubyshkin



shock, inflammation, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, proteinases, classification


The experimental and clinical research of nonspecific proteinase-inhibitor system components role in pathogenesis of inflammation and ischemia-reperfusion syndrome on the level of organism and on organ level was conducted.  Common mechanisms of  changes  of proteinases and their inhibitors levels are revealed. On the basis of these results the place of systemic inflammatory response syndrome in pathogenesis of urgent clinical states is grounded. Classification of shocks on the basis of integration of concepts of shock and systemic inflammatory response syndrome is proposed. According to this classification it is suggested to divide shocks into 2 groups with primary and secondary systemic inflammatory response syndrome formation.


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How to Cite

Fomochkin II, Kubyshkin AV. Pathogenetic role of proteinase-inhibitor system in the development of local and systemic pathology. Pathologia [Internet]. 2013Aug.29 [cited 2024Jul.17];(2). Available from:



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