The relationship between the levels of melatonin and testosterone in male rats of different ages with ulcer of the stomach


  • V. V. Hnatiuk
  • N. M. Kononenko



Melatonin, Testosterone, Ulcer, Stomach, Male, Rats


Seasonality and dependence of age and sex is an important question in the development of ulcer of the stomach. Melatonin has an important place among the hormones that are involved in the formation of ulcer of the gastric mucosa.

Aim. In order to establish the relationship between the levels of melatonin and testosterone in ulcerative lesions of the stomach in male rats of different ages their level in the blood serum was studied by enzyme immunoassay ELISA.

Methods and results.  It was found that against the background of gastric ulceration a significant increase in melatonin levels and decrease in serum testosterone occur, most expressed in rats aged 9 months.

Conclusion. The obtained results indicate the presence of the relationship between melatonin and testosterone levels in both normal and pathological conditions.


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How to Cite

Hnatiuk VV, Kononenko NM. The relationship between the levels of melatonin and testosterone in male rats of different ages with ulcer of the stomach. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Oct.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



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