Features of thymic endocrine function in newborns with congenital cytomegaly


  • O. M. Hyrya




Newborns, Cytomegalovirus Infections, Thymus, -1-thymosin


The problem of congenital cytomegalovirus in recent years acquires special scientific, medical and socio-economic values in the conditions of depression of birth rate, augmentation of number of pregnant women and newborns with high perinatal risk, immunodepressive effect on an organism, and also an increased incidence.

Aim. To determine the endocrine function of the thymus in 23 infants with antenatal cytomegalovirus, 15 healthy newborns and 19 newborns with noninfectious perinatal lesion of CNS content of - a-1- thymosin was defined.

Results. It was established that antenatal CMV promotes the child's complex immunodeficiency state. Preterm newborns with antenatal origin of cytomegalovirus transferred more severe form of the disease with deep lesions of the central body immunity.

Conclusion. These data point to the antenatal source of the disease and justify the appropriateness of the administered etiotropic therapy.


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How to Cite

Hyrya OM. Features of thymic endocrine function in newborns with congenital cytomegaly. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Oct.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from: http://pat.zsmu.edu.ua/article/view/48625



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