Computer-morphometric analysis of nerve tissue edematous changes in progressive and stable cerebral infarction


  • V. A. Shavrin
  • T. V. Shulyatnikova



Cerebral Infarction, Brain Edema, Computer Morphometry


Aim. To clarify the morphogenesis of perifocal critical zones of cerebral infarction we investigated 60 cases of patient's death from hemispheric cerebral infarction and conducted computer-morphometric study of the nervous tissue edema parameters.

Methods and results. It was defined that critical zones of infarctions both with progressive and stable clinical course as well as areas of the contralateral hemisphere tissue are characterized by significant prevalence of vasogenic edema component above the cytotoxic one which can indicate a predominant role of generalized, mostly vasogenic, nervous tissue edema in the mechanisms of tanatogenesis in this pathology. Critical zones in progressive flow variant differ by stable and high rate of both components of edema, unlike critical zones of stabilized variant of cerebral infarction.

Conclusion. The computer-morphometric data correspond pathohistologic features of critical zones, reflect peculiarities of its morphogenesis at different variants of clinical course of ischemic stroke. Consequently they can be used for differential retrospective pathomorphologic diagnostics of progressive and stable variants of cerebral infarction.


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How to Cite

Shavrin VA, Shulyatnikova TV. Computer-morphometric analysis of nerve tissue edematous changes in progressive and stable cerebral infarction. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Oct.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



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