Estimation of thiocetam influence on glutathione link of thiol disulfide cerebral system in conditions of experimental chronic ischemia


  • A. V. Demchenko
  • І. F. Belenichev



Brain ischemia, Tiocetam


Aim. Pharmacological remodeling of pathologic changes when cerebral ischemia takes place is actual task for today. With the purpose of thiocetam neuroprotective properties studying in conditions of experimental chronic cerebral ischemia the investigations of 45 white rats with simulated chronic cerebral ischemia have been carried out.

Methods and results. A number of biochemical, enzyme immunoassay, pharmacological and statistic methods of investigation were used. Positive thiocetam influence on molecular and biochemical changes in brain of laboratory animals subjected to ischemia is established. This influence is showed in decreasing processes of oxidative and nitrosative stresses: increasing of reduced glutathione contents, activity of antioxidant enzymes of glutathione link, recreation of thiol disulfide state of a cell, decreasing of neurotoxic compound contents of nitrotyrosine in cerebral tissue.

Conclusion. A positive influence of thiocetam on remembering processes among laboratory animals with simulated chronic cerebral ischemia has been noted.



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How to Cite

Demchenko AV, Belenichev ІF. Estimation of thiocetam influence on glutathione link of thiol disulfide cerebral system in conditions of experimental chronic ischemia. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Oct.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



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