An 8-month old with Erythema nodosum – clinical case report, literature review


  • S. N. Nedelska
  • O. P. Pakholchuk



Erythema nodosum, Children, Food Allergy, Specific IgE, Gluten


Erythema nodosum is rare pathology in childhood and usually associated with big antigen load.

Aim of the work was to make differential analysis of the described case with developed multiple, nontender, depth erythematose papules in the epidermis-dermis (like nodules) on the head, trunk, extremities, associated with adopted cow's milk-based formula intake.

Methods and results. The next methods, as deep literature review and differential analysis, helped to underline probable pathogenetic mechanisms of such type of allergy skin symptoms, to diagnose Erythema nodosum in the child.

Conclusion. This clinical case showed presence of rare clinical food allergy skin symptoms that have mixed mechanisms of onset. Further studies of the gear of onset and histology specificity are needed.


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How to Cite

Nedelska SN, Pakholchuk OP. An 8-month old with Erythema nodosum – clinical case report, literature review. Pathologia [Internet]. 2015Oct.8 [cited 2025Mar.9];(2). Available from:



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