Sexual features of the old rats’ autonomic nervous system response to the development of necrotic process in heart on the background of melatonin


  • M. R. Khara SHEI «I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University of Ministry of Health of Ukraine»,
  • Z. S. Hevyk SHEI «I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University of Ministry of Health of Ukraine»,



Melatonin, Autonomic Nervous System, Heart, Adrenaline, Sex


Aim. An effect of melatonin on the autonomic regulation of the heart in terms of damage was studied in adult and old male and female rats.

Methods and results. Necrotic process in the myocardium was caused by the injection of epinephrine (1 mg / kg, single dose, intramuscular) 1 h after injection of melatonin (5 mg / kg intravenous). In 1 and 24 hours after administration of epinephrine heart rate was determined and features of autonomic regulation of the heart on indicators Mo (mode), AMo (mode amplitude), ΔH (variation range of cardio intervals), and  SI (stress index of regulatory mechanisms) were evaluated. It was found that the effects of melatonin aimed at increasing the role of cholinergic ANS link in the formation of heart rate and reducing the adrenergic participation in the body of older individuals significantly decreased. To a greater extent this applies to older males. In the dynamics of adrenalin necrosis the character of vegetative regulation of heart rate of old rats reflects greater, than in adults, role of adrenergic link in animals of both sexes and reduce of the impact of cholinergic one – only in older males, which resulted in a significant tension of regulatory mechanisms.

Conclusion. The obtained results show that with increasing age in rats effectiveness of melatonin as a drug which can affect the autonomic regulation of the heart by activating cardio-protective effects decreases, especially in male rats.


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How to Cite

Khara MR, Hevyk ZS. Sexual features of the old rats’ autonomic nervous system response to the development of necrotic process in heart on the background of melatonin. Pathologia [Internet]. 2016Jun.23 [cited 2025Jan.25];(1). Available from:



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